Our planet - our health - Centrum Handlowe Auchan Komorniki
Centrum Handlowe Auchan Komorniki

Our planet – our health


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On April 22nd, we celebrate Earth Day. This year we want to celebrate it with you!

We invite you to participate in an event during which you will be able to learn how to take better care of yourself and the environment. We are waiting on Saturday, April 22nd from 12.00 to 18.00. Free entrance!

It is worth coming to our Centre on that day and seeing how everyday actions and choices of people can have a positive impact on the planet, and thus on the health of every human being. On Earth Day, you will be able to spend time in a family atmosphere, developing your knowledge and meeting interesting people who are close to ecology and health. This will be an opportunity for free health examinations and consultations, aromatherapy workshops, upcycling workshops for children, as well as an exchange of clothing, footwear and accessories.

Free health tests and consultations

During the event, you will be able to listen to a speech on the impact of water on the body in the world of current environmental pollution. Experts will talk about the principles of healthy eating, natural medicine and provide consultations in the field of psychology, herbal medicine, laser therapy, alternative medicine and energy therapy. You will be able to perform a weight analysis to determine your BMI. Those willing will be able to take advantage of a free trichological consultation and scalp examination, a free satin hand treatment, as well as choose cosmetics for the type of skin or beauty type. Exhibitors will also present ecological handicrafts – wooden decorations and articles, linen clothing, lavender scented soaps and sachets, hand-made jewellery or hand-dyed cotton clothing.

Aromatherapy workshops

Natural products, including essential oils, have a positive effect on our well-being. Auchan Komorniki Shopping Centre invited Joanna Mróz, an aromatherapy trainer known in social media as Kropelka Natury, to participate in the event. During two workshops, which will take place at 1.00 pm and 2.00 pm, you will be able to learn about the properties of essential oils, their impact on health, as well as the possibilities of using them in the home interior. The first 10 workshop participants will receive a gift of wild orange oil. If you are interested in a gift, please apply under the thematic post on our Shopping Centre’s Facebook profile at https://www.facebook.com/CentrumHandloweAuchanKomornik

Upcycling workshops for children

Upcycling is a creative method that allows you to replace seemingly useless items with new ones. During the workshops, under the supervision of animators, children will make fabulously colourful decorations depicting sea fish from old plastic bottles and plastic bags. The works will be turned into an exhibition, the aim of which will be to draw the attention of all participants of the meeting to the problem of plastic pollution of the seas and oceans.

Mobile free shop, i.e., a free shop

During the ecological campaign in Auchan Komorniki Shopping Centre, you will also be able to take part in the exchange of clothes, accessories and accessories. Just bring things you don’t wear anymore and exchange them for something else. It is worth remembering to bring clothes, shoes and accessories in good condition, i.e., what we would like to have ourselves.
Participation in all attractions is free.

It is worth coming and seeing how our daily actions and choices can positively affect our planet, and thus our health!